
Ramblings about stuff

Archive for January 2004

KDE: Now you see it, now you don’t …

Oh dear. On running an apt-get upgrade the other evening for my Debian workstation, something weird happened with the package dependencies and my nice window manager KDE disappeared. Yep, the packages were actually deleted! Guess I wasn’t really paying attention when it gave the summary of what it was doing, d’oh! I actually like KDE… (read more)

Colordiff 1.0.4 released

I’ve just released a new version of colordiff, my GPL-ed utility for colourifying the output from ‘diff’ operations, making them far easier to read. It is currently adorning the front page of FreshMeat. Believe me, if you start using colordiff, you won’t be able to stop … 🙂 Here’s a screenshot of the typical output: