
Ramblings about stuff

Misc stuff, Mozilla releases etc.

So, in the last few days there have been new releases of Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Thunderbird. Firefox is now at version 1.0PR (PR == Preview Release), so this is very close to being version 1.0, meaning that it is considered good and stable. There are a couple of nice additions since the version 0.9.x series: there is now the built-in RSS reader, known as live bookmarks which is useful for those who read lots of frequently-updated news web sites or web logs. BTW the RSS feed for this web log is here.

Also, on Wednesday, The Workmen Who Are Putting Speed Bumps In Our Road That We Don’t Want managed to cut through our mains electricity feed at lunchtime. Seems like there were a number of similar incidents that day, as $ELECTRICITY_COMPANY weren’t able to get to us until around 21:00. And, to make matters worse, the (road) workmen had filled the hole they’d dug back in, so the electricity blokes had to spend at least an hour just finding the broken cable. Which involved lots of pneumatic drill work, which entertained all our neighbours. Grrrrrr.

Oh, and I’ve still got a blocked ear from the cold I got rid of nearly two weeks ago. Not fun.