
Ramblings about stuff

Get Firefox!

Today marks the first ‘official’ release of Mozilla Firefox. What that means is, we have reached version 1.0 – although most of the so-called pre-release versions have been perfectly usable for some time. For instance, I have been using a Mozilla browser of some sort for many years (Mozilla application suite browser, a brief period with Galeon, then Phoenix and Firebird etc.) and it has been very solid. Today is just a landmark day in the release cycle!

The announcement appears to have picked up a bit of mainstream press interest: at the BBC and in the Guardian for example. The Mozilla community has received sufficient donations, following an appeal to users, to fund some full-page adverts in the New York Times – this is a rather unusual approach for community-developed open-source software. Hopefully it will generate sufficient publicity to make further dents into the damaging monopoly of Internet Explorer.

So … go Get Firefox!