
Ramblings about stuff

Do they really have so little clue?

At work we use SpecialSoftware on Windows desktop PCs. When running SpecialSoftware, it speaks to BackendDatabase, running on a network server, currently on an aging Netware platform. I want to get rid of the Netware server, so am investigating alternative platforms for BackendDatabase. Conversation with Supplier of SpecialSoftware:

Supplier Support Droid: BackendDatabase only runs on Microsoft Windows servers.

Me: According to web site for BackendDatabase, you’re right, it does run under Windows. But, it also runs under Solaris, Netware, HP-UX and Linux. I want to run it under Linux, please.

Supplier Support Droid: No, BackendDatabase only runs on Windows.

Me: But I’m running it on Netware at the moment.

Supplier Support Droid: How?

Me: Your company set it up for us, many years ago.

This futile conversation continued for some time but didn’t really get anywhere. I wonder if telling Supplier that we don’t want to use SpecialSoftware any more, unless we can change the platform for BackendDatabase, will get their attention? Somehow, I get the feeling that they won’t care.