
Ramblings about stuff

3D-accelerated weather forecasts

According to this story, the BBC Weather Centre is to make use of 3D gaming technology to produce more interesting and informative weather forecasts. The article gives details of the specification of the systems that they plan to use for generating these images and forecasts.

The specifications look suspiciously like the “recommended specs” for Doom 3, if you ask me … 🙂

“Yes boss, these new systems will produce very pretty weather forecasts! DUCK!

One Response to 3D-accelerated weather forecasts

  1. Something to do while waiting for the rain to clear I guess…

    UK’s weather is getting a bit like LA’s – predictable. Tomorrow it be mainly raining…a bit ike Steve Martin’s weather man character in LA Story, he’d make all the weeks weather reports in on morning…so plently of time to play Doom


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