
Ramblings about stuff

This Last Week

Seems to have been a busy week, but there’s a few things I spotted online of interest:

  • On 31 August this year, a (largely peaceful) demonstration against George W Bush in New York resulted in more than 1000 people being arrested and detained for over 24 hours in very poor conditions. There is a story about one person’s experience, including some photos and video footage taken. This is just an amazing story: I don’t understand why this didn’t make bigger news. The most astonishing part of the story is that it appears that the police planned ahead of time to arrest a huge number of demonstrators: the march was directed into a single street, that street was then sealed off at both ends, everyone in between arrested. This included marchers, tourists and anyone who just happened to be there, in the wrong place at the wrong time. (Thanks to Aq for picking up on this one);
  • There have also been a couple of stories about disreputible Santas. Personally, I like any news item which starts with the phrase “Thousands of Santas …”
  • Reclaim Your Inbox. Finally, version 1.0 of Mozilla Thunderbird has been released. An excellent alternative for anyone still using Outlook Express. Secure, well-featured. Go get it!

I’m also maintaining the Enemy Territory web page for the LUG-Radio players: it’s at, so come and join us.

Oh, and here’s an interesting one. PGP Corporation is attempting to verify the source of PGP keys on its key servers. Their press release is here. Basically, they will digitally sign any keys where the owners respond to an email request sent to the email address on the key. There is Slashdot article about it. I think this is a good move, since it helps people to build a web of trust of keys. I’ve verified the address on my key. Of course, you can choose not to trust PGP Corp’s signing key …