
Ramblings about stuff

Weblog comments approval

Didn’t really want to do this, but I’m getting fed up with removing spam comments from this weblog, so … as of now any comments you leave here will not appear until they are approved by me. This may mean a delay of anything from a few minutes to a few hours before your comment is visible on the site.

I’ve done this purely to remove spam, not to try to censor anyone’s remarks. I won’t remove any (genuine) comments just because I disagree with what they say, for example. In fact, I’m more likely to approve these comments so that I can have the last word 🙂

2 Responses to Weblog comments approval

  1. Had similar problems with a friends Christian site a few years ago, all the Satanists where constantly filling up the forums with err shall we say OT material.

    have these people not got better things to do with their lives… sheesh. If they were actually producstive we could prod stop world hunger in about 2 nanosconds!

  2. Seems to be working nicely so far, anyway. Yours, Martin, was the only legitimate comment out of about 10 or so since I introduced the new code!


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