
Ramblings about stuff

Valentine’s Day Spam

I get a lot of junk email. About 100 messages per day at the last count. Occasionally, I scan through the subject headings of message that get caught in the spam trap. Usually, there are a number of financical scams, some porn-related stuff (“Impress your wife/girlfriend with […]” etc.), cheap software, cheap pharmaceuticals, blah blah blah. Today, one of them caught my eye:

“Impress your wife with a cheap copy of Windows XP”

Today of all days.

I can just see it …

Husband: Darling, look what I bought you for Valentine’s Day …
Wife: What? What the hell is this?
Husband: It’s a cheap copy of Windows XP, my love.
Wife: Eh? Why are you giving me this??
Husband: But aren’t you impressed, darling?
Wife: Why you … #%*(@>< }!!!!

2 Responses to Valentine’s Day Spam

  1. It’s Valentine’s Day, she’ll only be impressed with an expensive copy of Windows XP!

  2. rofl.

    So – did you give her a copy of Ubuntu instead?


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