
Ramblings about stuff


We went to find our first geocache at the weekend. Geocaching is an outdoor ‘game’ where you try to find caches (hidden boxes, for example) concealed by someone else: they publish the exact latitude and longitude of the cache, and you go to find it using your handheld GPS receiver.

We found this one which was actually a small treasure hunt. The co-ordinates you’re given are for a sign at the entrance to the park, you need to read some numbers from it to form part of the co-ordinates for the next location. You go through this routine a couple of times before you get the final co-ordinates of the cache itself.

We had the final location nailed down, but couldn’t find the cache and were about to give up until one of us spotted it (thank you Louise!).

Looking for cache

Finding cache

All members of our group were happy to find it:

Heather with box

I think we’ll go searching for some more of the local ones soon.

4 Responses to Geocaching

  1. Does nobody realise that this is just a hi-tech version of LetterBoxing ?

    ( See also )

  2. Yes, but it lets you use GADGETS, like a handheld GPS … we wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t geeky. GPS was invented to get geeks out of the house, I believe.

  3. which GPS did you get?

    I have been after one for ages but it seems the Garmin ones are too proprietary.

    What prompted all of this? An article in MAKEzine which led to this web page:
    Annotated Google maps, he did a video too!

    Now a bluetooth GPS linked to a bluetooth Symbian phone is a thought.

  4. Mrs davee bought a Garmin Geko 201 – no mapping support installed.


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