
Ramblings about stuff

A Real Pain In The Wrist

The title is not a metaphor: I have a severe pain in my left wrist.

It kicked off before Christmas and had largely gone away by New Year, but has returned with a vengeance. There is a pain on the outer side of my left wrist, in a small localised area: particularly painful doing anything at all involving gripping or lifting, even small objects such as mugs of tea, books etc. Applications of “max-strength” ibuprofen gel haven’t helped much and, although alleviating some of the symptoms, nor has bandaging the wrist up using a conventional bandage or a “tubi-grip”.

Finally went to see $LOCAL_PRACTITIONER today and he was unable to fully diagnose, but there is a possibility that I have (hopefully mild) tendonitis. I note with some amusement that tendonitis is often considered to be a “sports injury” … Very funny, I’m sure. The $LOCAL_PRACTITIONER has prescribed some anti-inflammatory tablets: a whole month’s supply, which doesn’t bode well for his expectations that this will be cured quickly.

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure what caused this, although it may well have had something to do with a lot of heavy lifting (of UPSes and other kit) I did just before Christmas: the pain began the next day.

A slight concern of mine is that after a whole day of work (typing, a lot), the pain is worse. I’ve never had any RSI-like symptoms, and I’m hoping that’s not what this is, and that it’s just a consequence of the other injury. I’m going to reduce my non-work computing use for a while, though.

Anyway, I’m trying to rest it as much as possible and, amongst other things, definitely won’t be playing Enemy Territory for a while.

5 Responses to A Real Pain In The Wrist

  1. Ouch, I’ve suffered from tendonious a few times (when I was younger they where mostly sports related I’m not sure what the excuse is these days)

    The worst time was about 5 years ago when the tendon at the back of the ankle swelled up making it impossible to walk, drive or wear shoes without pain, in fact thinking back this turned out to be an infection of the small fatty pad protecting the tendon rather than the tendon itself but it’s the same thing.

    Wrists are like ankles in the fact that you don’t notice them until something starts to go wrong.

    I would go as far as to say tendonitous is as painful as a torn tendon or clean break of a bone I certainly remember some of the worst pain in my life came from swollen tendons.

    i hope you find a way to type without pain and the swelling sorts itself out soon.

  2. Cheers, Sparkes; friendly comments much appreciated, mate.

  3. resiak seems to know a fair amount about RSI and stuff, it may be worth talking to him about it. But yes, resting your hand as much as possible and keeping an eye on it in case it gets worse is definitely the correct course of action.

  4. No pearls of wisdom! Just hope it clears up soon.

  5. 🙁

    We’ll miss you on Sundays/Wednesdays….


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