
Ramblings about stuff

EMI to release DRM-free music downloads, Baby Ben

How interesting: EMI have said that they will provide non-DRM encumbered music downloads. For a little more than the basic, DRM-ed cost, one will be able to get a higher-bitrate non-DRM version, which is excellent. Long may this continue…

And I couldn’t make a post without mentioning: congratulations to MrBen and MrsBen on the arrival of Mira. Congratulations! As I type, no doubt mrben is issuing the following on his home systems:

useradd -c ‘Mira Hope Thorp’ -m mira


2 Responses to EMI to release DRM-free music downloads, Baby Ben

  1. Thanks 🙂 Expect fatherhood questions 😉

  2. Expect plenty of fatherhood answers from a techie/geeky perspective, then 😉


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