
Ramblings about stuff

It appears to be 2008, then.

OK, so I’ve failed to write anything at all in December. Quick summary:

  • CCNA: not made much progress with this. I haven’t really had time and I’ve had a slight confidence crisis on whether I’ll have the time to learn all the material properly. I’m looking into formal training courses for it, but unfortunately nothing runs sufficiently locally for me to do easily. I may see if there’s anyone else locally who is interested in doing the training, which would mean that the trainers could come here, rather than me/us going to $FARAWAY.
  • Christmas stuff: new Pratchett, Pratchett quote book, Spaced DVDs, Terminator Trilogy DVDs etc. All good stuff.
  • Christmas Doctor Who: rubbish
  • The official Shortest Day was on 21 December. However, that day was neither the day of latest sunrise nor the day of earliest sunset. This is officially Interesting and the explanation is officially Rather Technical, but arises because (a) the Earth is inclined at an angle to the elliptic plane and (b) the Earth’s orbit around the sun is not circular, but elliptical. The earliest sunset happened in mid-December, the latest sunrise has yet to take place and happens in the next few days.
  • I was up at midnight on New Year for the first time since the arrival of the BOFHlets. Said BOFHlets were also present, and have been Tired(TM) today.

2 Responses to It appears to be 2008, then.


    Didcot – just done the MCSE fastrack with them….

  2. Ah, looks interesting: thanks for that, Martin…


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