
Ramblings about stuff

A visit from our local MP

Our local MP, Dr Evan Harris came round last night, basically canvassing for the forthcoming local council elections. Given that the Liberal Democrats are about the only political party who have talked any sense on the National ID cards issue, I decided to have a chat.

I mentioned that “we had been discussing National ID cards recently” and, because this didn’t give him a clue as to whether I was necessarily “for” or “against”, his response was rather guarded: “The Liberal Democrats are concerned about the cost of the scheme.” (which it’s safe to say even if you are in favour of them – I know that general Lib Dem policy is that they are broadly against them).

After talking about that, I mentioned who I worked for and a couple of the projects that I work on at $PLACE_OF_WORK and he immediately said ‘Is that $OUR_UNIT_DIRECTOR’s place?’ – I was rather surprised that he knew about us, but then again he does seem to have his finger on the pulse.

Apparently, later in the evening, he visited my PFY a few streets away and, after he reminded Dr Harris where he worked, Dr Harris said: ‘Oh, I’ve just been talking to Dave …’ 🙂

Updated Saturday 22.05.2004 15:58: Evan Harris dropped round some Lib Dem leaflets to deliver – I seem to have managed to delegate this arduous delivery work to the PFY 🙂 Also as a result of the above meeting, I have been invited to a Lib Dem ‘Drinks Do’ the day after the local council elections …

One Response to A visit from our local MP

  1. Evan Harris – nice chap, unusual for a politician. Seems to care as well…


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