
Ramblings about stuff



All posts by davee

Just Me (meme)

From Jono Take a picture of yourself right now. Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair…just take a picture. Post that picture with NO editing. Post these instructions with your picture. I have just biked into work. Be grateful the web is not yet odour-enabled. 🙂

Stuff, Stephen Fry and Google Chrome

The great Building Project continues well. If you’re interested, you can see photos on Facebook: if you’re reading this and not one of my Facebook contacts – and think you should be – add me via my email address on the Contact page. I also see that Stephen Fry appears in a short video celebrating… (read more)

The Mirror Man

A couple of weeks ago, I finally met Striped Legs (or “Stripey”) on my bike ride into work. We chatted, as two fellow cyclists do, grumbling about the traffic and the weather. I told her that I called her “Stripey” and she seemed to find that quite funny and said that most people called her… (read more)

Has anyone seen my garage?

The great Building Project started yesterday. At 08:00 when I left for work, the place looked like this: A few hours later, there was only this: With any luck, there’s only another six months to go 🙂

Lugradio-in’ makes me feel good…

And so the annual pilgrimage to Wolverhampton for Lugradio Live happened. Excellent, as expected. The above photo shows me in the background, sat between Dave ‘Schwuk’ Murphy (yellow T-shirt) and Steve Lamb Of (Erm…) Microsoft. Some good talks, lots of interesting people to talk to: the Usual Crew, MrBen, Bruno, Neuro, Bryn, Oojah, plus the… (read more)

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust… Lugradio is at an end

On Thursday evening last week just as I was about to leave work, I had a phone call from Jono Bacon to tell me that the Lugradio team had decided to call it a day. This is a great shame, but ultimately the guys believe that it’s the right choice. They’re probably right. The shows… (read more)

Hut 33: Bletchley Park radio comedy

I can’t believe that no-one has told me about Hut 33, a radio comedy about codebreakers’ life at Bletchley Park. And I’ve missed more than a whole series. I don’t suppose anyone reading this has a recording of the programme, or knows where one might buy such a thing? e.g an audio book? Update: thank… (read more)

Surprisingly, I can still do the cube

When I was about 12 or 13, like all the other children with glasses I learned how to solve the Rubik’s Cube. I’d long since forgotten how to do so. However, I was given a new Rubik’s Cube for my birthday recently. I decided that, if I was going to learn once again to solve… (read more)

Birthday puzzle

Today is my birthday. I am now N years old. You can work out N from the following: N is a prime number; The last time my age was a prime was six years ago (i.e N-6 is prime and no other numbers between N-6 and N are prime); N is not a member of… (read more)


I bought an Eee. (For those of you who have been living on a different planet for the last six months, or are technologically-challenged, the EeePCs are Really Small Laptops That Are Really Cheap. And for those of you who know about the full range, I got the 701 4GB Black version) Good points: Cost… (read more)