
Ramblings about stuff

Archive for February 2006

Houston, we have Samba

Finally today, after many weeks of advance preparation and many days of intensive work, we put our Samba server live. Our clunky old Netware servers are being sent to Silicon Heaven. Perhaps Silicon Hell is a more appropriate destination, actually, given the trouble we’ve had with them recently, but… Generally speaking, it has been a… (read more)

Some you win, some you lose…

Two parliamentary votes in the last 24 hours: one good, one bad, I think. Today, there was a vote in favour of effectively a total ban on smoking in all public places, like pubs, restaurants, offices etc. This is good. Smoking is evil as far as I’m concerned and pretty-much nothing anyone else can say… (read more)

Backups Are Good

Regarding the restore from backup, it worked. I’m relieved. This is why doing backups is a good idea. And in the process I decided that the AMANDA restore scripts are very well written too. That is all.

From Netware 3 to Netware-free

Today was the first day of our “Netware to Samba migration” at work. Staff have been kicked off the network for a few days while we do this: it has been planned for ages, so they’ve had time to organise non-computing work to do, giving seminars to each other, having long lunches etc. It started… (read more)


Today, for no particular reason, myself and SWMBO had a cholesterol test done. It’s something we’ve been curious about for a while and, since there was someone doing the tests locally this morning, we decided to go for it. Before I state the results, I should say that I consider myself somewhere in between ‘healthy’… (read more)