
Ramblings about stuff

Weblog meta, work rant

I spent a couple of hours yesterday trying to upgrade the weblog software which this site runs from b2 to WordPress, ‘cos WordPress looks nice, is derived from b2, has database import scripts for b2 and has fuller features than b2.

Unfortunately, lots of things just didn’t quite work well enough. Database import needed a few tweaks to behave properly under WordPress. Almost perfect, but not quite. The new installation could see all the old posts and comments, but the formatting of the comments was horrible – line breaks not preserved and most stuff with quotes wasn’t un-escaped properly, making it look messy and breaking any links. This seems at least in part to do with the way WordPress actually displays the comments, so it’s not just a simple database hack to make it work. Formatting in new comments isn’t preserved properly either.

I’m sure I could fix this by hacking the WordPress source, but on this occasion I don’t think I can be bothered. I’m sticking with b2. The new features in WordPress aren’t worth that much hassle. Sorry, Martin, no comment previews! Unless I can hack support for them into my b2 installation, which is perhaps a more reasonable possibility.

Oh yeah, work rant: IT Department at Head Office promised us ages ago an upgrade from our rubbish little 64 kilobit line to a 2 megabit ADSL connection. It now seems that they were fibbing. “No such plan”, apparently. And the person who was my main contact, i.e. the one who said it was going to happen, has now left the organisation.

Sloblock. 🙁

2 Responses to Weblog meta, work rant

  1. No previews – dang, I’d better proof read then 🙂

    prob didn’t want an ADSL anyway, depends on how biased your data flow is as it would still be 512k up. Mind you it’s better than 64kbps!

    Also with ADSL there’s no SLA so you could be out for 1 week or more with no compensation.

    So when’s the big office move happening, so you can get all your geek-ware nice and fast?

  2. I believe the ADSL option that was originally proposed would have included an SLA of some sort. I believe they were proposed 2Mb down and 512Kb up, which would have been fine.

    We are scheduled to move in June 2005, although that date is continually slipping. It isn’t slipping as fast as time is passing though, so the two will eventually converge 🙂


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