
Ramblings about stuff

Speed bump? WHAT speed bump?

We’ve got speed bumps in our road now. The builders packed up their kit and left yesterday. Today, the Line Painters arrived. There isn’t a speed bump outside our house, yet they felt the need to do this:

Yes, that’s right, they’ve marked out the non-existent bumps. The interesting thing is that traffic is slowing down for them and, presumably, feeling rather silly about that afterwards.


3 Responses to Speed bump? WHAT speed bump?

  1. Will remember to ignore speed bumps, and speed bump markings on your road.

    Usually only makes me speed up anyhow…..take a bump at >40mph and the suspension soaks it up anyhow, which kinda negates the effect anyhow..

    Not that I’d get above 25mph on your road anyhow due to the large numbers of cars parked an amount of on-coming traffic. So this begs the question, why install the things?? have there been accidents on the road to justify the calming, or are Oxfordhsire County engineers breaking their own rules.??

  2. Will remember to ignore speed bumps, and speed bump markings on your road.

    Only this one is a fake – all the others are real!

    Our road was considered to be a Rat Run – not that we see that as a problem, to be honest; also, it is well known as a road with a fast stretch (certainly our part of the road, rather than the Southern end). I believe that’s the reason the bumps were put here.

  3. I think the 50yds around your house is the only bit where cars DONT park on a regular basis to make it possible to ‘speed’ without having > 300bhp under the bonnet!

    Yes it’s a bit of a rat run in the morning, but saving that you still get stuck and Sainsbury’s roundabout anyhow so..I’ll go and rant about something else now, like our duff hardware maintenance co..


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