
Ramblings about stuff

VMPS sorted

Well, I finally got VMPS sorted. The switch I have does support VMPS server, I simply seemed to have failed to make it work. With VMPS working [1], and a connection from all the vLANs into our firewall (via a couple of multi-port network cards), everything will be hunky dory.


[1] The recipe is: create VLANS on the switch; put VMPS definition on TFTP server; download VMPS definition into the switch; enable VMPS; set necessary ports as ‘dynamic’, and Bob’s yer close relative.

3 Responses to VMPS sorted

  1. So who is this Bob?

  2. *laughs* 😀

    I guess this is a very (British) English phrase and that you are from the US … my remark is a corruption of the very familiar phrase “and Bob’s your uncle”. I have found a definition of it:

  3. Thanks for the reference! I am going to have to start using the phrase…
    Most of my real English language education as come from Monty Python…


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