
Ramblings about stuff

Still here, yes

Been a while since I wrote anything here: I’ve been busy and also deliberately relaxing after the Samba thing at work.

Stuff to mention: have modified my PC here and am now running Software RAID-1. This will protect against data loss if one of my hard disks fails. Read speeds are a little faster too. Migration from a single disk to dual-disk RAID 1 was achieved through Cunning. Basically, you add a second disk, partition it and then create your RAID-1 arrays with a missing disk, i.e. using mdadm:

mdadm -C -n2 -l1 /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 missing

This allows you to populate the arrays: the ‘missing’ will be replaced later by the appropriate partition from your original disk. This is the Cunning bit.

At work, following the success of the Netware to Samba migration, we have struck a bit of an obstacle: the hard drives which were supplied to us for our RAID storage array were below spec and have been failing. No data loss yet, but it’s very annoying: we’re getting newer, better drives at no extra cost soon and need to plan how to migrate from the old drives to the new. And the suppliers want the old drives back, of course, meaning that they will have to be suitably cleaned of confidential data. I’m planning to do this using GNU Shred. Normally, unrequired disks with confidential data would be physically destroyed.

I’ve also been playing a bit of online chess at FICS – this is something I go through phases of. Haven’t played for ages, but played quite a lot in the last couple of days.

2 Responses to Still here, yes

  1. how weird just had a HD die on my month old home PC – fortuntely was in a RAID 1 set. Now to get a replacement from $vendor..

  2. RAID-1 benefits from the fact that can easily revert to/from a single-disk system, which might be useful … if I decide I want my extra disk space back, I can do that; at the expense of the redundancy of course.


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