
Ramblings about stuff

WordPress automatic upgrade plugin

Maintaining this site, keeping the software up-to-date against security vulnerabilities and so on, is tricky. You generally need to back up your database, back up your install directory, keep track of any customisations you’ve made… Then you download the new files, copy across some of them if you haven’t made personal changes to the previous version, and …

Well, you get the idea. It’s not straightforward and it’s rather error-prone.

So, enter WordPress Automatic Upgrade Plugin, stage left.

This is a standard plugin for WordPress which does all the work for you, which is actually rather impressive. I’ve just used it to bring the site up to the latest version. It worked very nicely. I needed to temporarily loosen the permissions on the install directory so that it could actually make the changes, but I can cope with that.

Nice work, people 🙂

One Response to WordPress automatic upgrade plugin

  1. It’s good, isn’t it 🙂


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