
Ramblings about stuff

Archive for December 2004


Today our work’s external internet connection was upgraded from a 64 kilobit leased line to ADSL: 512kb/s download, 128kb/s upload. That’s so much better. 🙂

Nokia 6100

Finally got a new mobile phone. It’s a Nokia 6100. It’s Not Big And It’s Not Clever. That means it’s really small (well, thin particularly) but might not have some of the bleeding-edge features (e.g. no camera, no bluetooth etc.). Basically, I don’t need the phone to do that, but I want it to be… (read more)

Testing out Ubuntu

There is a new kid on the Linux distribution block, namely Ubuntu. I downloaded a demo live CD yesterday to try it out. So, I booted up from the CD. Some live CDs suffer from being slow to load applications, because they’re loading files off the CD rather than the hard disk, so when I… (read more)

This Last Week

Seems to have been a busy week, but there’s a few things I spotted online of interest: On 31 August this year, a (largely peaceful) demonstration against George W Bush in New York resulted in more than 1000 people being arrested and detained for over 24 hours in very poor conditions. There is a story… (read more)

Debian: From Installation To Infinity (Part 2)

Part Two: Getting more things setup This is the second in my series of write-ups about installing and using a Debian (Sarge) installation from scratch and doing everything properly, i.e. The Debian Way. In this section, after the initial installation was complete, I began setting up other programs and tweaking the configurations a little. Video… (read more)