
Ramblings about stuff

Archive for March 2006

Compromising ID

Just read this news article which states that, regarding a compromise on the National ID card issue, “Anyone who renews a passport will have their details put on a national ID database – but now they will not have to have an ID card until 2010.“. This is a compromise? Having a (pretty-insignificant) delay of… (read more)

A Desktop Revolution

Recently I’ve been reading the sort of book that I wouldn’t normally read: the book is called Time Management for System Administrators and is written by the same bloke (Thomas A. Limoncelli) who wrote the canonical The Practice of System and Network Administration. Having already read the latter and found it to be superb, I… (read more)


It is officially Spring. Despite meteorological evidence to the contrary, my criteria for Start Of Spring have been met. Actually, there’s only a single condition: “Can I get all the way home from work on my bike at the usual time without needing my lights?” This condition was met on Friday 17 March. This has… (read more)

Still here, yes

Been a while since I wrote anything here: I’ve been busy and also deliberately relaxing after the Samba thing at work. Stuff to mention: have modified my PC here and am now running Software RAID-1. This will protect against data loss if one of my hard disks fails. Read speeds are a little faster too…. (read more)