
Ramblings about stuff

Compromising ID

Just read this news article which states that, regarding a compromise on the National ID card issue, “Anyone who renews a passport will have their details put on a national ID database – but now they will not have to have an ID card until 2010.“. This is a compromise? Having a (pretty-insignificant) delay of only two years in getting a card (and the scheme will be delayed, so it’ll probably be less than that). And, the whole point is that the database may be available to many people. The compromise doesn’t change that.

Charles Clarke is apparently “pleased a compromise has been reached”. I bet he’s pleased. After all, he has achieved exactly what he set out to achieve.

Grrr. When the revolution comes, we’re gonna need a longer wall.

2 Responses to Compromising ID

  1. ….. and a sharper gillotine.

    I only hope Labour do not win the next election, as the other two parties are currently opposed to the scheme and would/should hopefully scrap it.


  2. Given how much ‘power’ the ID database will give the incumbent government and the huge amount of money that will already have been spent on this farce, it may be very difficult for the Tories to really say they’ll scrap. I’m expecting the LibDems to have more guts and say they’ll scrap it… *hmmm*


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